The best answer to a question is often a question!
With this principle is meant, that finding the right answer to a question depends less on the quality of search technology than on the quality of the question. People are inclined to take their own context for granted, and tend to forget that the person who has to answer misses a lot of information to adequately answer the question. That is why most answers require an interrogation of the person asking the question. Irion’s intelligent chatbots make use of the logic of conversation, and thus have a far better performance than chatbots, who try to answer questions without interrogation
Another advantage of an Irion chatbot is the price of the project to create the solution. By making extensive use of language technology and reasoning, the learning curve for Irion’s chatbots is significantly shorter, and maintenance time is significantly less than with most of the regular chatbots.

Dialogue is Irion's chatbot for companies that receive a lot of specific questions from customers, but lack the time and manpower to answer them properly. For customers, Dialogue is the alternative to the search engine that does not want to understand the question, Dialogue does understand.
Knowledge Box

Together with partner Morphis Irion developed a special version of Dialogue: Knowledge Box. This system combines Irion’s dialogue system (the intelligent chatbot’s kernel) with an intelligent process manager. KnowledgeBox not only gives answers to the user, but also handles requests!

Antwoord! is dutch for Answer! and is the name of a chatbot built with Dialogue, and enabling Dutch citizens to pose complex queries to their municipalities. Questions of users are analysed linguistically in a natural conversation whereby the system itself asks clarifications from the user, thus shaping a picture of the information need behind the question. As in a real life dialogue between people, the system thus finds the most important prerequisites to finally find the correct answer to the question.